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Algebra & Pre-Calc

System of equations

2 equations, for 2 unknowns (need n equations to solve for n unknowns)

Example: 5x + 2y = 7, 3x - y = 6
Solve by a) graphing both equations and see where they intersect,
         b) substitution (using one equation set one variable in terms of the other, 
               then substitute into the other equation):
                 y = 3x-6
                 5x + 2(3x-6) = 7
                 11x - 12 = 7
         c) addition - put all like terms in columns, 
                       multiply/divide as needed to get one set of terms to cancel
                       add the terms, solve for the remaining term
               5x + 2y = 7
               6x - 2y = 12
               11x     = 19, solve for x, then put in to find y 

Parametric equations

Define x and y in terms of t (time). Arrows on graph represent increasing values of t. Allows you to create functions, using two graphs, from things are not functions for both x and y together (circles, ellipses, x = y², etc)

Eliminating the parameter: substitute for t and define x in terms of y (or vice versa), aka rectangular equation.

Powers & Radicals



See also

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urp/algebra.1635630173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-10-30 by nerf_herder