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Family Tree Overviews

One thing this wiki doesn't have, and it's a big one, is a graphical way to navigate along family lines. In lieu of that, I'll create some high-level trees that you can use as short cuts to get to the area of interest.

Grandparent lines: Jacob Ungerecht & Eva Margaretha Ebert Johann Carl Zentgraf & wife Johann Georg Erbe & wife Unknown Ungerecht & wife
Parents: Johannes Ungerecht &
Eva Margaretha Zentgraf
Johann George Erbe &
Eva Catharina Ungerecht
1864 Emigrants: Johann Valentin Ungerecht & Eva Margaretha Erbe
Children lines: Carl Ungerecht & Johanna Bathke George Ungerecht & Bertha Hoerauf

Jacob Ungerecht Ancestors

Johann Jacob Ungerecht (1761-1848) m. Eva Margaretha Ebert (1767-1824)
His parents:

Her parents:

George & Bertha's descendants

George Ungerecht & Bertha Hoerauf's children, down to the generation born in the 1950's or 60's:

un/0_trees.1463796022.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-05-21 by nerf_herder