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Geometry Reference Page


The sum of angles in a polygon = 180 (n - 2), where n = number of sides. This can also be written as: 180 + 180 (n-3). (Basically you add in another triangle when adding a side to polygon)



  • isosceles - 2 sides the same length
  • equilateral - all 3 sides the same length
  • similar triangles - triangles that have same shape (all 3 angles), but size can be different. The sides have same ratios
  • congruent triangles - triangles that have the same shape and size
  • CPCT - corresponding parts of congruent triangles (are equal)

Centroid of a triangle - center (where the lines bisecting each angle will meet)

  • average the x corner values, and average of y corner values
  • the bisecting line will have 2/3 of its length between the corner and the centroid and 1/3 from centroid to far side of triangle
  • the six small triangles formed by bisecting lines all have equal area

Area of a triangle = base*height/2

Heron's formula - area of any triangle, with sides of length a,b,c, don't know height

semiperimeter (sp) = perimeter/2 = (a+b+c)/2
area = √(sp(sp-a)(sp-b)(sp-c))

Congruent triangles

Theorems to prove triangles are congruent:

  • AAS - angle-angle-side
  • ASA - angle-side-angle
  • SAS - side-angle-side
  • SSS - side-side-side
  • RHS - right-angle, hypotenuse, side (basically ASS, which doesn't work for all angles, but does for right-angle). Using Pythagorean theorem can be converted to SSS.


  • chord has two endpoints on a circle
  • secant is a line that contains a chord, but extends beyond the circle
  • Intercepted arc is the part of the circle contained within the two lines
  • Central angle is angle of two lines from the center of the circle
  • Inscribed/Interior angle has two points and the vertex all on the circle itself
  • central angle is same as the degrees of intercepted arc

if two chords AB, CD intersect at P, then AP * PB = CP * PD

Interior angle = 1/2 of intercepted arc

all inscribed angles going to the two same points on the circle have the same angle
angle of intersecting secants theorem: 
    angle formed by the secant intersection = (opposite arc - adjacent arc)/2

An angle outside the circle with two secants (or tangents) will have an angle

that is 1/2 * (difference of the intercepted arcs)

coterminal angle - the rest of the circle outside the angle.

eg. angle of 30', the coterminal is 330'
in radians, use the absolute value.  
    2pi - |angle|, or |angle| - 2pi for the negative angle

area of an arc:

a = rad*r²/2  .... comes from a = πr² for full circle, and the 
                    proportion of a circle in the arc is rad/2π
                    so a = (rad/2π)*(πr²)

See Also

urp/geometry.1634102589.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-10-13 by nerf_herder